Helping Others as a means of Self Growth
Helping others has numerous benefits for the development of children. It teaches them to be more independent, it builds their self-esteem and sense of identity, and it encourages teamwork and collaboration. Building relationships with other people is beneficial in a child's development because it helps them understand how to interact with those around them in positive ways. By helping others, kids also learn empathy — an essential skill that will help them throughout their lives. Furthermore, when they feel good about themselves after contributing to another person's wellbeing or success, they are motivated to give even more of their time or energy into helping out.
By engaging in acts of kindness such as volunteering at a local animal shelter or donating toys to orphanages can benefit not only the receiver but the giver too. All these factors combined lead towards creating well-rounded adults who are kinder and more understanding – so if you're seeking out ways on how you can nurture your child’s development through service work then do consider implementing some formative activities into your routine.